Packing Guide

By Mark Wiens 1 Comment

There are many different factors to be taken into consideration when packing for an indefinite trip. The climate and purpose of the trip are some of the most important things to think about. If I plan on trekking through the Himalayas or in Patagonia I would definitely want hiking boots, raingear, and possibly trekking poles. If I am planning on going to the Seychelles or Bali I might not even bring a shirt, let alone having the burden of lugging around a couple of trekking poles.

My advice then is to bring with you the items that will be needed immediately on the trip. If you are relaxing on the shores of Zanzibar and decide to catch a boat to India before making your way to the Himalayas to summit Everest, you can buy or rent the essential gear when on location.

If there is something that you think would be highly beneficial by all means bring it along. However, I would recommend that if it is something you are highly attached to and would be highly disappointed if it were lost or stolen, don’t bring it.

If a city is possible to commercially fly into, most likely it is easy to purchase anything needed there as well. In that sense, many things on this list can even be eliminated. I personally try to find a balance between frugality (because I own everything already) and practicality. That being said, this is a rough packing guide that should be evaluated and compromised to fit your unique situation.

Debit/ATM Card and backup
Vaccination Certificate
Other important documents (if you are trying to get a job you may need other documents)
Photocopies of important documents

Small Daypack
Money Safety Bag

Jeans/Pants (1-2)
Shorts (1-2)
Polo Shirt (1)
T-Shirts (2)
Jacket (1)
Windbreaker (1)
Underwear (2)
Socks (2)
Cap/Hat (1)

Trekking Shoes- Trail Running Shoes (1)
Flip Flops (1)

Sleeping Liner/ Sheet (1)- Optional
Sleeping Bag (1)- If planning to camp

Eye drops
Nail clippers
Bug Spray
Small First Aid Kit- decongestants, antiseptic cream, pain killers, pepto bismol et cetera.

Zip Lock bags
Compact Towel/Viscose
Washing line (cord)

Digital Camera
SD Cards
USB Stick
Torch (flashlight)/Headlamp
Cell Phone
Alarm Clock
MP3 Player/iPod
Mini Laptop

Leatherman/Pocket Knife

Wire lock
Padlock for locker
