How to Get From Dar Es Salaam to Nairobi

By Mark Wiens 10 Comments

Flying and taking a bus are the 2 main ways to get from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania to Nairobi, Kenya.

Flights from Dar Es Salaam to Nairobi

Even though the distance is not great, flights which include a hefty tax can be quite expensive.

There are 3 main airlines that fly between the two cities frequently:

Bus From Dar Es Salaam to Nairobi

The much cheaper option for getting from Dar Es Salaam to Nairobi is by taking the bus.  Depending on the conditions of the bus and the conditions of the highway in both Tanzania and Kenya, the ride can either be a great experience, or a frustrating and very tiring experience.

There are 2 ways:

    1. Direct bus from Dar to Nairobi

    2. Bus from Dar to Arusha / Moshi and a seperate shuttle from Arusha / Moshi to Nairobi.

If you have the time, consider option number 2 by splitting the trip up and taking an overnight break in either Moshi or Arusha.

The best benefit of taking the bus is being able to see the beautiful country side of Tanzania with spectacular views of Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro!

The best companies to research and get more information to take the bus from Dar to Nairobi are:

Kenya Tanzania Border Crossing

The main and reliable border crossing is in the town of Namanga. The bus will drop you off, you can purchase your Kenya / Tanzania visa at the border and then continue on.

Bus From Dar Es Salaam to Nairobi

photo credit JMHan

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Note: I would highly recommend doing a little bus planning research once you have arrived in Tanzania / Kenya. Contact the company either by phone of even better in the office and ask them what exact option they can offer. A lot of the information varies and is constantly changing so it’s important to ask for the information directly from the company.

If you know any better options on traveling from Dar Es Salaam to Nairobi, I’d love to hear your input or comments!