Trip Around Langkawi Island

By Mark Wiens No Comments


A 7 hour bus ride and a 1.5 hour ferry ride from Kuala Lumpur, and one is surrounded by lush vegetation, turquoise seas, and a relaxed island lifestyle.  Langkawi is a great place to hang out for some time to eat, see various sites, swim, and just plain relax.

There are countless places to stay, accommodating to all sorts of different budgets.  We stayed at a place called the Sweet Inn (website to come) on Cenang Beach (thought they were going to have WiFi, so committed to them for a couple days, only to find out it was canceled, left me slightly disheartened).  It was however a pleasant enough experience for under $10 a person.  That being said, I would recommend the Grand Beach Motel as a great place to stay in a great location with decent prices.

The food was once again outstanding.  Many of the restaurants catered to seafood lovers, like myself.   They almost all had raw seafood, that could be self picked and then paid for by 100 gram increments.  The chef would then prepare it to whatever speciments one could want, fried or grilled and spiced to Malaysian perfection.  I grew highly fond of the various grilled fish with typical Malay spices.

In order to see what the island has to offer there are multiple opportunities to rent scooters or cars to visit various sites or circumference the island.  I wasn’t disappointed with renting a scooter until a downpour came thrashing down upon me, and still it was fun.


The weather was quite hot on the island as Cindy can testify in her Langkawi Trip, however the drenching rainstorm on my powerful machine was an instant cooler.


At the top of “7 Wells Waterfall”

img_0936Close to the “Black Sand Beach”

On the way off Langkawi, I chose to take a ferry to the wonderful city of Georgetown on Penang Island, to explore more epicurian delights.  A crewman tossed a watermelon rind over the side of the ferry and out of nowhere appeared a swarm of fish.  Great site to see.

img_0983Anytime in Malaysia, Langkawi is a great place to visit.  There are numerous things to keep one entertained with, relaxing and eating are also sure to happen.

-Mark Wiens