How To Get a Thai Visa in Yangon, Burma (Myanmar)

By Mark Wiens 32 Comments
Thai Visa in Yangon, Burma
Thai Visa in Yangon, Burma

The policies for getting a Thai Visa in Yangon, Burma (Myanmar) are slightly stricter than getting a Thai visa in a place like Savannakhet, Laos, but the overall procedure is quite easy if you have everything prepared ahead of time.

Yangon is not the complete ideal place for just a quick visa run, but a great place to get a Thai visa if you also have plans to do some traveling or hanging out in Burma (Myanmar).

Note: You must have a booked airplane flight ticket into Thailand in order to apply for a Thai visa in Yangon, Burma (Myanmar).

Tips for Getting a Thai Visa

Yangon, Burma (Myanmar)
Yangon, Burma (Myanmar)

What you will need:

IMPORTANT: If you do not bring these things to get your Thai visa in Yangon, you will be turned away and have to return (probably the next day). I know this first hand, because I showed up without a copy of my plane ticket, attempted to sweet talk my way into not needing it, and ended up having to come back the next morning to apply for the visa.

How to get a Thai Visa in Yangon

The process will take 2 business days.

Step 1

Day 1 – I arrived at the Thai embassy at about 8:30 am to just a few people waiting around on the outside of the gate. The gates open from 9 am to 11:30 to apply for the visa.

Step 2

Filled out my Thai visa application form and assembled all my documents to hand in my visa.

Step 3

You enter the first door (kind of like an entry little hut) and give your passport and application to the clerk sitting there. He will give you a small receipt with a number on it. Then you will need to wait on the benches outside the embassy until your number range is called.

Step 4

When you number is called you enter the real part of the Thai embassy, hand in all of your documents, and pay your visa fee, and are given a receipt for your passport and told to come back on the next business day to pick it up.

Step 5

Day 2: I returned the next day right at 2 pm to get my Thai visa with no problems at all – just basically walked in and got my passport. You can pick up your passport anytime from 2 pm – 5 pm.

Bus in Yangon
Yangon Transportation

Where is the Thai Embassy in Yangon

The Thai embassy is located just outside of town. I walked there from the center of Yangon a number of times (takes about 30 minutes), but it’s probably easier to jump in a taxi that should cost 1500 – 2000 Kyats.

The Yangon city bus also goes to the main road just outside of the Thai embassy, ask a tout and he should help you out!

94 Pyay Road
Yangon, Burma (Myanmar)

View Thai Embassy Yangon in a larger map

If you are traveling to Yangon, you might want to check out my important Myanmar travel information as well as search for a place to stay. Also, while you are in Yangon, take advantage of the wonderful food.

Check out these delicious Burmese cuisine dishes.