Munching My Way Around Seattle

By Mark Wiens No Comments

In the footsteps of the foody himself, Anthony Bourdain, the munching tour of Seattle unravelled.  I had seen a few of the eateries on television and had thoroughly vowed to myself as well as having all my friends hold me accountable to partake as soon as I could next step foot out of the Seattle airport.

Owned by the parents of chef Mario Batali, in downtown Seattle, we started off with a few meatballs, sausage, a lamb steak, and some fried salami from the famed restaurant, Salumi.  The flavors stunned my buds and put me into a state of calmed comfort, making me feel right at home.


The next location brought us to the famous Pike Place Market and a small Russian bakery, Piroshky Piroshky.  The flaky crusts and the delicate meat filled insides were scrumptious, displaying the intricate labors of the bakers’ handiwork.

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From what the critiques suggested, the best pizza in Seattle, Pagliacci, followed, ending the day in style.


The next day the festivities began again with a quick trip to China town, and a random Chinese BBQ house for some Chow Funn, char siu, and duck.


There was more, Ethiopian was added to the repertoire later that day, and most likely a few things I have neglected to mention due to food euphoria as well.

The weather was cold, the scenery good, the food, wonderful!

-Mark Wiens, reporting from Seattle, Washington