As I write this, I have just finished wringing and hanging out my 6 articles of clothing on the line to dry for the day. It’s become a normal routine, instinctively built into my every other day schedule. I throw a little soap in the bucket, let my clothes soak for a few minutes, rinse them out, and hang them on the line to dry. It takes me all of 5 minutes and just a wee bit of effort that has since become routinely engrained.
Right now, I live in an apartment complex in Bangkok where I could walk down my neighborhood street, throw my laundry in a machine along with a buck, and twiddle my thumbs as I waited around to throw them in the dryer. It’s been over two years since I’ve operated a washing machine or dryer and I still haven’t received any complaints of uncomfortable smells lingering in my presence (well…not from my clothes).
My point is not to persuade you to start following my tactics of washing your clothes in a bucket every other day and hanging them on a line. The bottom line and point is that little things can make a big difference in this world.
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While traveling around India on a tight budget, Raam Dev began to ask himself questions of how he could make a difference in this giant world. He eventually came to realize that making small positive changes is the way to begin positiviely influencing the entire planet.
With the help of a group of fellow bloggers, Raam organized and e-book called Small Ways to Make a Big Difference aiming to be “a place to get ideas and inspiration for small ways that you can make a big difference.”
It’s an easy and useful read, set up with a brief amount of background information and then going straight into tips and advice from a diverse range of bloggers. Raam is a firm believer that if everyone can make a few positive changes in their lives, the world will be a better place. Download this FREE e-book to see how others are making a big difference by doing small things.
It doesn’t matter where you are or what you do, making positive choices can bring about positive changes to the world we live in. Any small things you do to make a big difference?
– Migration Mark
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