A Lifetime Supply of Snacks

By Mark Wiens 3 Comments
Forever Snacks in Manila
Forever Snacks in Manila

To follow Thanksgiving, I thought it might be appropriate to introduce a small nameless store I stumbled upon in the heart of Quezon City, Novaliches area in Manila, the Philippines.

Snacking has always been one of my favorite Manila activities.

Ironically, I had just taken a jog in Manila, when my wonderful couchsurfing friend and I decided to invest in some “treats.”  Little did I know we were about to enter a stuffed cavern of highly creative and very processed nibbler’s paradise.

On the side of Quirino highway, we crouched on hands and knees into a tiny cave opening.  I tried to stand, but my head hit packages immediately, forcing me to constantly hunch over.

When my eyes had adjusted I could see a small light in the corner illuminating millions of snacks.

Snacks in Manila
Snacks in Manila

My squinting eyelids instantly jumped into my brows as my eyes overdosed in a whirlpool seizure of nothing more than packages and packages of crunchy snacks.

It took five minutes before I shook to reality and was able to appreciate the endless quantities of unique and quirky labels.

How about a package of Boogeyman Crunch, PeeWee’s, or a handful of Bangus.

Can I interest you in a couple Munchers or a bag of M in M’s?

Manila Snacks
Manila Snacks

One could easily spend minutes, hours, or quite possibly a lifetime, observing, taking notes, sight seeing, and munching, in this tiny little establishment in the heart of Novaliches.

I spent about an hour in the store and let me tell you, I wasn’t even close to reading all the brands.