Inspiration to Eat

By Mark Wiens No Comments

23 March 2009

What are some things that inspire us to eat wonderful foods? After reading an article from the Accidental Hedonist entitled Inspiration in all its Forms relating to food, I formulated my own thoughts.

Growing up life

Food was quite a large part of my cultural life growing up.  If you grow up with parents and relatives that enjoy wonderful foods, most likely you will not break the tradition (and why would you want to).

Taste buds

This is not overly complicated, my personal taste buds like the flavors of various foods I decide to partake of, and I’m quite sure many of you do too.


Watching 5 minutes of the food channel or a few shows on the travel channel such as Anthony Bourdain, is quite enough to inspire everyone to either 1) begin cooking immediately and/or 2) go on a munching journey in pursuit of all things edible.  I like to do both.


A huge inspiration to all humans on this globe is the advertising of tasty delights.  Advertising is all over, from magazines to billboards to pictures on signs.  Let’s be honest the foods never look as good in the pictures as they do on the plate (but nevertheless, the inspiration occurs).


Swarming all over the cyberworld are various articles, blogs, pictures, videos, and everything else related to media possible, all pertaining to food.  Just check out The Bite of Inspiration!  Inspiration to eat comes in all forms of media online.


Humans get hungry.  If that isn’t enough inspiration to eat, I don’t know what to tell you, I might classify you as “non human.”

These are but a few of the most obvious forms of eating inspiration.  If you have some great food related inspirations, let me know.

Mark Wiens
