How to Instantly Become a Celebrity and Get Paid

By Mark Wiens 3 Comments
At the End of the English Camp
At the End of the English Camp

The fans were ballistic, shrieking at the top of their lungs, cell phones and cameras were flashing like Betelgeuse, hands were thrown in the air, notebooks and pens even shirts were shoved in our faces for autographs.

A three day English camp had just come to an end, and all of us camp leaders (also known as English speakers) felt like celebrities.

I had been a migrationologist, traveling the world for about a year and a half when I landed in Bangkok from Manila, the Philippines.  The funds were slowly depleting and I needed to find some sort of income while still maintaining my hobo-esque migrationology look and lifestyle.

After lazying in places like the peaceful shores of Lake Toba and climbing volcanoes like Mount Merapi in Indonesia, the thought of an official job was a truly unpleasant thought.

Through a number of connections in Bangkok, I was introduced to Dragonfly English Camps.

I thought, why not travel for free to a few off the beaten path towns in Thailand, meet some wonderful people, sing silly songs, booty shake, and all while speaking my native tongue, English.

It can’t be too bad right?

Enlgish Camp Introduction
English Camp Introduction

The camps proved to be much more exhilarating and inspiring than expected.

Our crew arrived in Nakhon Sawan for the first English camp excited and slightly frightened, standing in front of hundreds of electrified kids, faces gleaming at us.

Hellooooooooo, my name is Maaaaarkkkk,” I shouted into the microphone with a trembling voice.  The kids saw none of the nervous wreck that I was and the host of them cheered and shouted.  All staff were treated with the same courtesy and exuberance.

The camp continued with energetic English activities full of excitement in the form of games, competitions, singing with motions, awkward dancing, chants, English questions, and fabulous lunches.

Though we aimed to provide educated fun for the Thai kids, the day would fly by as all the staff were equally entertained.

When the camp approached the end, the kids begged us to stay.

Truly treating us like celebrities the inspiring kids wanted to take pictures, get autographs, and bid us farewell.  Some wrote personal notes wrapped in intricate origami to give us while others crowded around us with glowing luminosity.

Answering Questions at English camp
Answering Questions at English camp

Though we left with some monetary pay, nothing compares with the memories, the personal confidence building, and the thought of making just a slight impact into the lives of some of the children.

I give you my word, your confidence will be boosted and you will truly feel like a celebrity if you have the chance to be on an English camp in Thailand.

Thank you Drangonfly English Camp for some wonderful experiences and memories.