Feel Myanmar Food Restaurant – Everything You Want & More

By Mark Wiens 2 Comments
Feel Myanmar Food Restaurant in Yangon
Feasting at Feel Myanmar Food Restaurant, Yangon, Myanmar

Feel Myanmar Food Restaurant is easily one of the most famous restaurants for local Burmese food in all of Yangon.

But I have to admit, when I first arrived, inside my head I was a little puzzled, if not disappointed…

Chicken rice… not what I was after…

Walking in, I saw little deep fried foods, chicken, a gelato stall…

But the last thing I wanted to do was go to an amazing Burmese restaurant to only find chicken and rice (not that it’s bad, I just wanted some curry!)… where were all the Burmese curries?

Luckily, my disappointment only lasted for a few seconds.

Feel Myanmar
Outdoor seating at Feel restaurant

A waiter had sat us down, we chose a table outside in the front, and offered us a menu – but I didn’t want to look at a menu – I wanted to look at the curries to decide what to eat.

And that’s when he understood what I was thinking, and walked me into the building on the left hand side (facing).

What greeted me in the house-like dining room, was one of the most spectacular displays of pre-made curry buffets I’ve ever seen in my life.

Myanmar food
The incredible buffet line

Hundreds of choices

There must have literally been hundreds of different food choices, an overwhelming amount!

There were also about 100 waiters and waitresses, waiting to dish out whatever anyone ordered, both for takeaway, and for dining in.

Burmese food
More choices…

I was so thrilled at the selection, that I ended up ordering probably many more dishes than Ying and I really needed, but just like the seafood feast at Minn Lan, I was so happy I completely lost track of how much I was ordering.

The good news is, Ying and I were able to polish off everything.

Ok, let’s get started on this incredible selection of Burmese food at Feel Restaurant.

Feel Restaurant
Prawns curry at Feel Restaurant

Prawns curry

The first Burmese curry I ordered was a prawns curry.

I think the entire prawns, including the shells, were cooked – though the shell was quite soft so the entire thing could be eaten. The curry was slightly sweet, but filled with a nice blend of spices.

Burmese curry
Burmese mutton (goat) curry

Mutton curry (goat)

The ultimate highlight of my meal at Feel restaurant in Yangon, Myanmar, was this bowl of mutton curry.

First off, I’m a huge lover of all things mutton, I think it’s one of the best meats in the world, and I order it on every occasion I get. Secondly, it was very well done at Feel.

The mutton was perfectly tender, and the curry gravy was teeming with spices, slightly sour, and just a wonderful, mouthwatering blend. It was oily, but not overly so.

If you eat at Feel restaurant, and if you love mutton as much as I do, you don’t want to miss their Burmese mutton curry.

Burmese fish curry
Burmese fish curry

Fish curry

In my curry pointing frenzy, I also ended up ordering a fish curry.

This curry was swimming in oil, but I still loved it. The fish, which I think was butterfish, was a nice chunk of fish steak, with a soft and creamy texture.

The curry was not nearly as strong in spices as the mutton curry, but it was somehow very soothing, a light blend of spices, oil, and coriander.

Fish cake wrapped in leaves
Fish cake wrapped in leaves

Fish cake wrapped in leaves

Whenever I eat and travel in a country, tasting dishes that are new to me, is one of the things I enjoy most. There’s no better way to sample things that you’ve never seen before, than when you’re just pointing and choosing.

Having no clue what they were, I couldn’t resist a bowl of green leaves, wrapped up in a package. The waiter told me there was fish inside, and that was all I needed to know.

Myanmar food
Delicious Burmese food

I’m still not sure what type of leaves they were (possibly taro leaves?), but they were earthy and nutty tasting, and held their texture like tough cabbage.

Inside was fish, seasoned with a light blend of chili. The combination was fantastic, I thoroughly enjoyed this dish.

best restaurants in Yangon
Pork belly curry

Pork belly curry

After everything I ordered, I forgot to order Ying the pork belly curry, which she had wanted me to order – so to make things right, I ordered it as well.

It honestly didn’t look too good to me at first. It was really fatty pork, and the curry sauce didn’t looks like it was very spice filled – looked mostly like oil.

Myanmar pork cury
Marvelous pork curry

My assumptions were correct, it was oily, and not cooked with many spices at all… but I was completely wrong about it not looking very delicious… it was in fact, marvelous tasting.

The pork was extremely tender, yet it had a beautiful grainy and soft texture. The flavor was subtle and not strong, but I could taste a wonderful sweetness which I think came from sweet onions in the curry.

I really enjoyed it.

Burmese Asiatic pennywort salad
Asiatic pennywort salad

Burmese Asiatic pennywort salad

At the buffet line, there were both curries, and then there was an overflow table of salads as well.

Among many delicious salad choices, I chose one that I thought looked the best, Asiatic pennywort salad.

In Thailand, Asiatic pennywort is often used to make juice, and in Sri Lanka it’s eaten as a garnish salad (gotukola sambol), but this was my first time to eat it Burmese style.

The pennywort was sliced, then mixed with tomatoes, crispy shallots, and dressed in what I think was lime juice and a touch of peanut oil. It was fresh tasting and I loved the flavor of the crispy shallots.

Burmese tea leaf salad
Lahpet thoke – Burmese tea leaf salad

Laphet thoke

You might have already read about the famous Myanmar tea leaf salad, and I again ordered it at Feel Myanmar Food restaurant.

Their version was quite tasty. It was nicely seasoned with a generous amount of sesame seeds, fresh tomatoes, and slices of cabbage.

Eggplant salad
Eggplant salad

Eggplant salad

The eggplant salad, wasn’t one of my favorite dishes of the meal. I guess I had been hoping for something smokey flavored and dressed in lime juice, like the one here.

Instead it was more like soggy eggplant in lots of oil, flavored mostly with shallots and coriander. It was alright, but not so good.

Burmese food
Mohinga – one of the most popular dishes in Myanmar


Seeing that we had ordered so much food on our table, the waiter handed us a complimentary bowl of mohinga, one of the national dishes of Myanmar.

We accepted it gratefully, and it was actually quite delicious. The curry was rich and flavorful.

If you have space after eating a full spread of Burmese curries at Feel restaurant, you could also order the mohinga, but if not, I’d go for the curry first.

Feel Myanmar Food restaurant in Yangon
Chili sauce and vegetables in Yangon, Myanmar

Chili sauce and fresh vegetables

To accompany all the curries, a plate of boiled vegetables and a chili dipping sauce was served.

The chili sauce, was very similar to types of Thai chili dips. It tasted like roasted green peppers, and had a certain distinct bitter flavor to it, and also it was quite fishy, which I enjoyed.

It’s always nice to balance a bunch of meaty curries along with vegetables.

restaurants in Yangon
Part way through our feast at Feel Myanmar Food restaurant

I thought everything, especially the selection of curries, at Feel Restaurant in Yangon, were fantastic.

We definitely didn’t need to order as much food as we did, but due to my excitement, there was no holding back.

coconut pudding
Dessert – some type of coconut pudding


For dessert, we also didn’t order anything, but our waiter kindly brought us a plate of some type of Burmese sweet snack.

We were stuffed by this point, but Ying really liked it – it wasn’t too sweet, but nicely coconut flavored.

Feel restaurant, Yangon
They even have a gelato stand at Feel


If you’re still up for some more dessert when you eat at Feel restaurant in Yangon, there’s even a gelato stall on the property!

It really is an all-in-one food party.

Prices at Feel
Here’s our total bill

Total price

We ordered a ton of food, and our entire bill came to 21,800 Kyats ($21.94). I’d say it was a pretty good deal for the amount of food we ordered.

Yangon restaurants
The outside of Feel Myanmar Food

Here’s the outside of the restaurant, it really kind of looks small from the outside, but walk inside and it’s like an overgrown jumble of a restaurant with many different compartments and stalls.

where to eat in Yangon, Myanmar
A friendly parking director

The restauarnt is located in a quiet green neighborhood area of Yangon, but they attract so many eaters, that they even have a few friendly traffic directors.


Feel Restaurant is a one of the most well known restaurants in all of Yangon for serving the full range of local Burmese food. It’s a restaurant that’s popular with locals, and written up in probably every travel guide written about the city.

I thought the food, especially the mix of Burmese curries, were fantastic.

My favorite dishes were the mutton curry, the fishcake wrapped in leaves, and the tender pork belly, but really, everything was quite delicious.

I think Feel Restaurant makes a wonderful place to sample a huge variety of Burmese food in a friendly environment.

Feel Myanmar Food Restaurant, Yangon

Address: 124, Pyi Htaung Su Yeikthar St. (btwn Padonmar & Myoma Kyaung St.), Yangon, YGN 11191, Myanmar
Open hours: 6 am – 8:30 pm daily
How to get there: Feel Myanamar Food restaurant is located just down the road from the National Museum, and about a 1,000 – 1,500 Kyats taxi ride from central downtown Yangon.