Hey Everyone!
First of all, thank you very much for reading and sharing Migrationology. I am propelled to continue publishing articles because of the incredible support you have shown me – I truly appreciate it!
I wanted to officially announce that I have started a Migrationology monthly e-mail newsletter (and it’s free)!
I’m excited to get this underway as it will be a new way to interact and I’m committed to deliver top-notch information.
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If you have been following Migrationology.com, I’d really encourage you to “Take on the Migration!”
Here’s what you’ll be getting in the monthly newsletter:
- An organized selection of the best Migrationology posts from the month
- A few interesting and valuable articles that I came across during the month
- Be the first to know about upcoming destinations I’ll visit, and where I’ll be heading next
- Find ways to pursue your passions and turn them into a sustainable lifestyle
- Discover money saving tips and how I can afford to travel
- Get some exclusive bits of Migrationology information (only available on the newsletter)
A combination of all of this to your inbox just once a month!
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Awesome. Thanks for your interest. All you have to do is enter you name and e-mail below and click “Take on the Migration!”
Thanks again for all your support and I’m looking forward to interacting with you more!

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