Delightful Meal at the New Jalpaiguri Railroad Station in India (NJP)

By Mark Wiens 2 Comments
Where to eat in New Jalpaiguri, India
Where to eat in New Jalpaiguri, India

There’s really not much to do in New Jalpaiguri (known by train code as NJP), India, except it’s a big train railroad junction – sort of the station that connects North India with Northeastern India.

After spending time in both Darjeeling and Gangtok and I had to go back to NJP. And apart from waiting for your train, the only other thing to do is EAT!

So if you find yourself waiting in NJP I would recommend checking out Hotel Subhankar (not really a hotel), a restaurant just across the parking lot from the railroad station.

Sitting down at Hotel Subhankar for lunch (and waiting for my train)
Sitting down at Hotel Subhankar for lunch (and waiting for my train)

I ordered their thali which was delivered on the all familiar metal pan with a variety of dishes each full of some kind of vegetable curry and dal.

Being quite hungry we also had a few sides of chicken curry which was wonderful.

A thali - full set meal
A thali – full set meal

This is my favorite way to pass time while waiting for a train in India…

Egg curry at NJP
Egg curry at NJP

One of the best things about eating thali’s at normal hole-in-the-wall restaurants throughout India is that they are happy to serve you as much rice and vegetable dishes as you want – until you’re stuffed – no extra charge.

But since we were still hungry we then had the boiled egg curry, a pair of boiled eggs that were deep fried and stewed in a lovely greasy curry sauce.

Thali with chicken curry runs 80 Rupees ($1.47).

Stomach satisfied, I was much more happy to board my train to Varanasi!

Hotel Subhankar
Hotel Subhankar

Here’s the restaurant. It’s just outside the NJP Railroad Station, across the parking lot from the exit. If you happen to be on your way to Darjeeling or Gangtok and arrive to NJP Railroad station, and need lunch, this is a good spot!