I spent about 3 months in Buenos Aires taking a TESOL course. This is my list of ways to have fun (mostly in order) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. If you have spent time in BA and know other ways to have a blast in Buenos Aires, I’d love to hear your comments!
1. Boca Juniors Football Match at La Bombonera
photo courtesy of DhubaX | Eduardo Lacerda
2. Asados/Parillas…and other Food
The single thought that enters my mind when reflecting on BA is the precious BEEF. There can be absolutely zero human resistance to a kilo of the tenderest “bife de chorizo” smothered in an equally delicious chunk of grilled provoleta (spiced provolone) cheese to create a personal tantalizing fantasy. The unrealistic great quality of beef will actually blow your mind and force you into thinking of nothing else for the first week (set aside the first week just for beef) of being in BA.
I had the privilege of staying in a student house for a month where we would pool our funds together on Sundays and our landlord would create an Asado fit for Royalty.
Beware that an Asado is often not served until dangerous hours of the night around midnight, and one is therefore forced into a deep slumber immediately after swallowing the final bite (Not the healthiest, but inevitable).
Other honorable eats:
- Milanesas
- Empanadas
- Pastas
- Pizzas
- Pastries
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
Check out the top 10 foods to eat in Buenos Aires that are not steak and see the Buenos Aires Foodies blog!
3. Monday Night La Bomba de Tiempo
On Monday nights a drumming band by the name of La Bomba de Tiempo plays their hearts out at an energetic and highly entertaining percussion show. The excited crowd flows to the continuous beats and people guzzle brews. Don’t be embarrassed, all forms of dancing or attempts are embraced and accepted. The general vibe is Bohemian and people can be found from around the world pulsing to the drums.
Show is held at Konex venue on Monday nights.�
The line can be out of control, so arrive at about 7pm.
4. Drink Yerba Mate (tea) with Random People or Friends
Letting a day pass while sipping yerba mate from a cow hoof gourd through a metal straw while relaxing in a patch of green grass is high on my list of priorities. At first the mate may seem stout and bitter, but choose to enjoy it, and soon it will be a daily if not hourly ritual that your life depends upon.
photo courtesy of Rayerza
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5. Nightlife
There are books written about Buenos Aires and it’s teeming nightlife and places to party. I won’t go in depth as there is an abundance of information out there already. If you like to listen to thumping techno or reggaeton music, watch massive crowds, drink Fernet, or observe attractive people, you must venture to one of the many nightclubs. Check out Museo in San Telmo, Mint in Palermo, or Crobar under the railway. Tons and tons of options.
For more extensive information check out Buenos Aires Nightlife Guide.
6. San Telmo Sunday market
San Telmo on Sunday is a pleasant place to walk through and observe the market that sprawls for a good couple of kilometers on the cobble stoned street. Purchase Argentine leather goods, antiques, handmade jewelry, clothing, shoes, souvenirs, and other spontaneous trinkets. Admire amateur musicians, aspiring actors, tango dancers, Argentine mimers, Diego Maradona impressionists, artists, and hippies, as they all attempt uniqueness.
For more information check out San Telmo on a Sunday.
7. Walk around/check out the Obelisk
Don’t miss checking out the central Obelisko from close and far as well as the surrounding town area. The reason I like it is not necessarily because of the monument itself but rather the central confluence of roads that intersect and the traffic and masses that surround.
See the official tourism site of Buenos Aires.
8. Relax in the Japanese and Botanical Gardens
There are few better ways to relax than to sprawl around a manicured garden with a book and a beverage, and maybe a friend. The Botanical garden is free of charge but the Japanese garden charges a small but worth it fee. Both are equally soothing and can be explored near Palermo.
For more info on the Japanese Gardens check this out.
photo courtesy of RolAdn
9. Head to Barrio Chino for some Chinese food
Chunks of beef, grilled cheese, creamy pastas, and crusty loaves, are delicious, but growing up with rice in my blood, Chinatown every now and then is a must. Though it is a small area, the buzz, the products, and the smells, are equivalent to those of any Chinatown around the world.
Check out more information about Barrio Chino.
10. Recoleta Cemetery Stroll
The Recoleta cemetery is a neighborhood of famous deceased people who are housed in mansions with chandeliers. The cemetery is a sight to have a brief walk through and check out a place where the very rich or very famous lay rest.
Location: Calle Junin 1790, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hours: Open daily from 8 am to 6pm
photo courtesy of Stuck in Customs
11. Check Out Some Tango Dancing
I never made it to an official show, but the Tango dancing I saw on the streets of La Boca and San Telmo while stuffing my face with beef, were surely a flavor of the artful and beautiful dance that Tango is. Even if you are not into organized dancing, the talent is enough to appreciate and be entertained by.
photo courtesy of Lídia Ramalho
12. Palermo Walking and Shopping
The streets of Palermo Viejo, Hollywood, and Soho, are a joy to stroll. The avenues are lined with boutiques offering dangerous fashion, restaurants serving upscale Italian and fusion gastronomy, and affluent people sipping red wine outside of neo-expressionist art displays. On the weekends, try to hang out in Plaza Serrano, a decent place to unwind for a pint or bite to munch and chill till sunrise hours.
Tip: Never miss a 6 am hot dog in Palermo square after being up all night.
13. Head To People Watch and Shop on Ave. Florida
Avenida (Avenue) Florida located near the central Obelisk0 is a street to tackle when you have mentally prepared for massive crowds of humanity and solicitation. Leather products will be offered at the same rate of tuk tuk rides being offered in Cambodia. It is however an easy place to purchase anything from a digital camera to a mate gourd or a football jersey.
photo courtesy of dgflyer
14. Rollerblade In The Huge Bosques de Palermo Park
The atmosphere is parallel to that of Lumphini Park in Bangkok and if someone was going to booty shake for exercise this is exactly where they would do it. At first I thought rollerblading around the park on a Sunday would be a goofy activity to even entertain. We arrived at the park, rented the correct size of blades for an hour, and awkwardly roller-ed our way around the park with a choripan (sausage in a bun) in hand. It proved to be much more entertaining than I had previously thought and I would call it a great way to spend a midday afternoon.
Location: Bosques de Palermo Park, Palermo Viejo at- Avs. Del Libertador, Dorrego and Figueroa Alcorta
15. Puerto Madero, Rio De la Plata Riverfront
The most prestigious neighborhood in Buenos Aires offers baller status accommodation and entertainment. The area has been and is still being developed into a beautiful and well thought out urban plan. Consider a walk through Puerto Madero, maybe an afternoon coffee, or if you want to splurge, a meal or couple drinks at one of the ultra trendy restaurants or bars. There are also a number of stalls that sell incredible sandwiches like choripan’s and bondiola‘s near the Ecological Reserve in Puerto Madero.
Don’t get too caught up with a schedule and plan in Buenos Aires. Walk around, take the metro train and walk everywhere, check things out, and see what happens. Buenoes Aires is a phenomenal city where you can easily have a blast, even without a plan!
Any other ways to have a blast in Buenos Aires? Please leave a comment!
-Migration Mark
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